Home of Dubai’s Real Sourdough Bread, fine viennoiserie & exceptional pastries.

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Founded in 2019 with a humble mission: to feed our community with wholesome, nutritious bread. We’re passionate about good-for-you ingredients and artisanal methods.

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Wildfarmed flour is made from a diverse variety of wheat grown alongside a variety of plants, grasses, and legumes. It’s grown in France and the UK.

This method of growing provides a nutty, depth of flavour full of nutrition, not available from a single strain, while constantly improving the soil in which they are grown.

We use only stone milled grains – grinding all three parts of the grain together into a fragrant, golden flour.

The stone milling process retains the grain’s bran and germ; the powerhouses that store wheat’s proteins, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids.

We use traditional bread baking methods that require time and patience. Our sourdough loaves are hand shaped and fermented for over 20 hours. 100% natural, sourdough starter is used to leaven all our breads. We do not use conventional yeast, with the exception of our baguettes - to which we’ve added <1%. No sourdough flavor imitators, no vinegar, no packaged liquid sourdough.


100% sustainable and traceable non commodity wheat. Stone milled in the UK.